Thursday, November 08, 2012


I've had Bookpedia as the application that I use to keep track of my book collection for a number of years. I think the developers have done a great job with this app and find it indispensable for keeping track of what I own. I've also been looking for a companion iPhone and iPad app for years and have never found it. Well, surprise, I wasn't looking at the right websites or searching for the right thing. Last week, purely by accident I found the Bookpedia iOS compatible app - it's found under the "Pocketpedia" suite - and it is oh so sweet to finally have my book collection available to review on my iPhone when I'm shopping. No more buying duplicate copies!!!

I recommend the Bookpedia app and the Pocketpedia iPhone app to everyone.

1 comment:

Nora said...

Thanks for mentioning us on your blog! Glad to hear you're enjoying our programs. :)