Wednesday, March 01, 2006

You know you're irrelevant when. . .

you no longer fit the demographics of your favorite men's magazine! While perusing an article on health issues for men in a past issue of GQ earlier this week, I couldn't find the section for men in their 50s. The story was sub-divided into sections for men in their 20s, 30s, and 40s, so I just assumed that I'd find my group at the end of the article. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

Ah, I thought. It was a long article so they must have continued it in the back.

Nope! Not there.

50 year old gay men just don't read GQ, I guess. Sorry no one told me! My bad!

1 comment:

timothyjlambert said...

Yet another reason why books are better than magazines.